Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

My Guitar and Texas Chainsaw Massacre True Story

Do You ever know what is going on in Texas these days?

 I just watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre True Story movie for the third time with my sister,  I watch the movie when I wrote a song with my guitar ,and she babbled something that the Massacre is a true story(according to my sister). I happened to be intrigued and just wanted to know if that is true, that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre once happened somewhere in the Earth.

Believe it or not, until these days, this story still become a LEGEND. No one knows exactly about them!
texas chainsaw massacre true story

This is one article that I found about this "legend" :

Is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre based on a true story?


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre never happened in real life. Despite the disclaimer at the beginning of the original film, which touts the movie as "...an account of a tragedy which befell a group of five youths...For them an idyllic summer afternoon drive became a nightmare...This video cassette is based on a true incident and is definitely not for the squeamish..." in truth is, it was not really based on a true story. 

The filmmakers just wanted people to think it was a true story, so more people would go see the movie. It was also a bit of a joke on their part, to see if people would believe it was real. This is not an unheard-of tactic: for example, the 1999 movie the Blair Witch Project was also touted as a true story by the filmmakers, when in truth it is completely fictional and all the actors in it are alive and well to this day. The disclaimer at the beginning of the 1996 movie Fargo also asserts that it is a true story, when it is actually pure fiction. 
The idea for the Leatherface character was inspired by the serial killer Ed Gein, but the entire storyline for story is fictional. The truth is that the director, Tobe Hooper, got the idea for the Leatherface character from the real case of the serial killer Ed Gein. The rest is completely fictional. Ed Gein was only one man; he did not belong to a family of chainsaw murderers, and he lived in Wisconsin, not Texas. 

Ed Gein murdered at least two women, one of whom was found hanging disemboweled and decapitated in his house, and also allegedly engaged in necrophilia and cannibalism with his victims' corpses. He did not, however, murder them with a chainsaw. 
I have also included a link to a page that compares the Ed Gein murders to the movie. ( See Above)
This is The Opposite answer :

Answer about 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre True Story'

Yes it is but the real Texas Chainsaw Massacre did not use a chainsaw he used a pistol to shoot his victimss. His real name was Ed Gein. He was supposed to have taken several lives between the years of 1954-1957. They made films but the films are only lightly based on the events but the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is based on a true story. It is based on true police files and the american police department found the bodies in his house.   Texas Chainsaw Massacre True Story

Read more:   http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_the_Texas_Chainsaw_Massacre_based_on_a_true_story#ixzz1AQYcV6yf

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Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Free Guitar Lesson

 Guitar Instruction for Beginners

sBasic Guitar Instruction

Are you looking something to learn about this instrument but you are not sure where to start from?
Then GOOD! This  material is FREE for you!  This is the free lessons, you can watch, read and also know what is the best way to play this instrument. Today I'll share with you the steps about how to play guitar PLUS you can see MANY free videos in here, so I hope you can LEARN and gain much knowledge from this free lessons! Enjoy.. 

learning guitar chords

Learn Acoustic Guitar :  ( how to play )

Play acoustic guitar actually not to hard for the newbies, Me for the first time play, also use acoustic as my first instrument! 
guitar instruction for beginners
First think that I want to share when you want to play acoustic is about a CHORD! What is CHORD? Chord actually is grip that you play to make some harmonic sounds.

* Learn to play acoustic guitar  
Today I'll share with you the 5 BASIC steps :

1. Open Chords. These chords actually are made of open strings and pressed notes and are commonly used all guitar players for their sound. You can try to improve your skill by train your hand to change chord smoothly. There are not many open chords, so you SHOULD be able to learn them in just few WEEKS or maybe DAY.  

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2. Learning guitar chords. This is the very basic things that usually many new-born musician do! For  the first time, You can get many chord do you want, train every day on every hour, manage your skill about positioning your finger into the strings. So, by the end of the day, you can manage your finger to be a good position for playing a good chord into your LOVELY song. I give you example about the basic chords, such as : A, B, C, D, E, F and G   
free guitar instruction for beginners
3. Practice as many song as you like! Yes, this is the truth. The logic is, how can U be a good player without you knowing the song? So, choose your favourite song, you can use open chord and play with the records. There are many good song out that you can choose for your training program. My advice, listen to the rock song! Yeah, might be many people on the outside think that Rock Music is a GOD DAMN hard music? For the TRUTH? Is NOT! Honestly rock music actually is one of the easiest genre that beginner who want to learn guitar can play with easily. Seriously!  

4. Remember the THREE BASIC about learning guitar chords . There are such three basic chords, such as the Major chord, the Minor chord, and also the 7th chord. For the first time at the moment, you can just try to memorize these three chords. Because, actually most song just use these basics chord to play their song! s
guitar instruction for beginners
5. Try to memorize one song. Do you ever singing a song when you take a bath? GOOD!! That's one of greatest thing you must proud of.. Seriously! Why?  Because when you singing something, it means you remember the song, and when you remember the song that's proven you can play a music! 100% musician playing or made their song which came from their head and mind, how many musician can wrote the music when they taking a bath or do the sh*t in the morning? When  you relax, and your brain has been trained to memorize the song, your intuition will come with a good piece of art! Trust me..

learnin these video

Beginner Lesson - Basic Major/Minor Chords

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    Hope you wiry good